Payment of Tuition & Fees / Tuition Assistance
Payment of Tuition and Fees
Payment of the re-enrollment fee is due at the time of re-enrollment. Parents or guardians may choose to pay the tuition in full or in equal payments beginning May 1, 2018, or at the time of enrollment through May 1, 2019. Parents have the option to include the Admission Fee with tuition and other fees and pay the combined amount monthly. The first payment is due August 13, 2018 or at the time of enrollment. Parents or guardians paying on a monthly basis consent to MFCA obtaining a consumer credit report, if requested.
Tuition Assistance
Parent or guardians may inquire as to any available tuition assistance through the Business Office. Tuition assistance is awarded based on financial need and availability. A completed Tuition Assistance Application is due August 1, 2018, or at time of enrollment.
Note: All fees are non-refundable
Application Fee: A fee of $100 per child is charged for students applying to MFCA.
2018-2019 Tuition & Fees
Discount Overview:
Sibling Discount: A $250 discount is available to every family with more than one student at Mesquite Friendship Christian Academy (MFCA). Full tuition is paid for the oldest student and the discount applies to each additional enrolled sibling.
Annual Pay Discount: A 2% discount is available on every tuition paid in full by check. Annual payments must be received by May 1, 2017, or at the time of enrollment to qualify for this discount.