Step 2:
The Admissions Office schedules testing after the receipt of a completed application.
- Completed Application Form
- Application Fee: $100.00 Non-Refundable
- Home Language Survey
- Authorization for Emergency Care
- Student Pickup Authorization Form
- Student Media and Directory Release Form
- Student Health Form
- Parent Questionnaire
- Recommendations (Teacher, Principal or Pastor)
- Report Card/Transcript (most recent)
- Request for Confidential Records
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of Social Security Card
- Copy of Child’s Immunization Record (must be up-to-date)
- Family Photo (4x6 snapshot is acceptable)
- Any ARD paper work including Full Individual Evaluation (FIE)
- Current Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Reports from special testing (learning need or needs, learning styles, psychological tests, etc.)
- Any paper work for special services received
- Any legal information that is relevant to the child’s safety and well being
- Background Survey
Step 1: Complete An Application
A COMPLETED APPLICATION consists of the following:
Step 3:
Interview appointments are scheduled once the applicant file is complete. This is an opportunity to interview for philosophical compatibility, answer your questions and assess whether our program meets your needs.
Step 5:
& Meet The Deadlines
The re-enrollment deadline for current students occurs in January. If your child is accepted and if space is available, a Contract of Enrollment is sent in March, and you are given a deadline to respond. After March, applications are accepted and applicants are placed as space becomes available. MFCA accepts applications year-round.
Step 4:
Official acceptance (or non-acceptance) is communicated to all families in writing. Only a Contract of Enrollment signed by Mesquite Friendship Christian Academy guarantees enrollment for your child.
Step 6:
Payment of Tuition
& Fees
Tuition paid in full with a check or money order by August 1st or at the time of enrollment for the following school year is discounted. Tuition may also be made in ten equal payments from August to May. For students accepted after August 1, all payments accrued prior to the time of acceptance are due when the child is enrolled.