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Please mail completed applications to Phillip Randall at 2036 Hillview Dr, Mesquite, TX 75149 or email-completed applications to


A routine criminal background check will be conducted on all applicants being considered for employment.

Employment @ MFCA


We are pleased that you are considering employment at Mesquite Friendship Christian Academy (MFCA). All MFCA employees shall be faithful, active members in good standing of a congregation and agree to the Mission and Philosophy of MFCA. Teachers must have at least a Bachelor’s degree and a valid Texas Teaching Certificate. Classroom assistants must have a valid Educational Aide Certificate.



Employment Overview

Contact Us For Current Openings

Current Openings

Employment Forms

Frequently Asked Questions


What teaching qualifications are required?


All instructional teaching employees must meet legal qualifications of the state of Texas, which meet regional accrediting standards, or meet national or federal standards and regulations. In certain circumstances, we consider applicants who are currently in the process of obtaining teaching credentials through an approved certification provider so that they are fully qualified to perform the duties assigned to them in the school.


Where can I get an application?


Please print the appropriate application from the MFCA website’s Career Opportunities Forms page. If unable to print application, they are available at the Mesquite Friendship Christian Academy Receptionist desk or by sending an e-mail to requesting an application to be mailed directly to home address.


Where do I return my application? 


After you have completed your application you can mail or leave it with our Mesquite Friendship Christian Academy receptionist at your convenience. Send applications to: Mesquite Friendship Christian Academy Attn: Phillip Randall 680 E. Highway 80 Mesquite, Texas 75149


What happens to my application if I am not hired?


In the event you are not hired for a position, it is MFCA’s policy to keep all applications for one year from date of receipt. Please note that the applications are only considered “active” for 60 days from date of receipt.


Will my application be considered for future openings?


All applications on file may be considered for any future openings that the administration feels meet the job qualifications. However, at anytime you see a posting on our website, feel free to contact MFCA and request your application on file to be re-activated for another twelve months and to be considered for that particular opening. I have completed my application but my references and transcript are in the process of being sent back to me.


Will my application be processed without my references or transcript?


We do not seriously consider applicants before we receive a completed application. If your references or transcripts are pending, please note this on your application and send them under a separate cover as soon as possible. A delay in an offer may result if your application is not completed at that time.

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